
Steps to take in an expungement case in Albuquerque, NM

expungement case in Albuquerque Amador Law Firm

If you have a criminal record in NM, you may be interested in the steps to take in an expungement case in Albuquerque.

For that, seeking an expungement can help clear your name and open up new opportunities. Here’s what you need to know from our expungement attorney in Albuquerque. In our experience, it is very possible to achieve it! Here are the steps to follow.

1. Steps to take in an expungement case in Albuquerque: Determine Eligibility

Not all criminal records are eligible for expungement in New Mexico.

Typically, offenses like misdemeanors, some felonies, and certain juvenile records may qualify. However, serious crimes such as violent felonies or sexual offenses are often ineligible. Consult with an attorney to determine if your record qualifies under NM law. Each case is different.

2. Gather Necessary Documentation

Once you’ve confirmed eligibility, gather all relevant documents, including your criminal record, court documents. In addition, any evidence of rehabilitation is important, too. This information will be crucial in supporting your expungement petition.

3. File a Petition for Expungement

Next, you’ll need to file a formal petition with the court where your conviction was recorded. The petition must outline why you’re seeking expungement. Furthermore, it should provide details of your conviction, and demonstrate how you’ve been rehabilitated. In Albuquerque, this process involves submitting forms and paying a filing fee.

4. Notify Relevant Parties

After filing your petition, you must notify the prosecutor’s office, law enforcement agencies, and any other relevant parties involved in your case. These parties may have the opportunity to object to your expungement request. For this reason, we should follow proper procedures.

5. Attend the Hearing

In most cases, a judge will schedule a hearing to review your expungement petition. During the hearing, you’ll present your case, and the judge will consider factors such as the severity of the crime, your behavior since the conviction, and the impact on your life. Furthermore, your expungement attorney will advocate on your behalf. This means arguing why your record should be expunged.

6. Await the Judge’s Decision

After the hearing, the judge will make a decision on your expungement request. If approved, your criminal record will be sealed or destroyed, depending on the nature of the expungement. If denied, you may have the option to appeal the decision. Furthermore, you may also reapply after a certain period.

Why Choose Amador Law Firm?

In summary, the expungement process in Albuquerque can be complex. In that sense, it is crucial to hire an experienced attorney. We understand the intricacies of NM expungement law will help you clear your record. That way, you may move forward with your life.

With the help of a knowledgeable attorney, you can effectively petition the court to clear your criminal record. Enjoy a fresh start. Contact us today for a free consultancy!